
Now therefore take, I pray you, your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison...Genesis 27:3

The Jury Is In!

Went with a friend to an archery shop tonight, he knows these guys real good and wanted them to set up my bow. They went through it and made everything was lined up. Everything looked good. David (the man behind the counter) noticed few things he did not like on my bow.

  1. D-loop was to big. He put a new one on and made it shorter. He also noticed that the knots on loop were on the same side. Apparently they are suppose to be opposite of each other. Also had a 2 noks on the string and it was slowing my bow down. He removed them.
  2. David noticed there was no serving on the string where the stopper was making contact on string. So he wrapped serving around it.
  3. He also relocated the pull string on the drop-away arrow rest. It was popping up when I would draw back. Then he attached a new arrow holder also. Before, all I was doing was letting the arrow rest between two felt pads. Which was noisy. Arrow would bounce around. NO MORE.
  4. After making sure everything else look good, he paper tuned it. 1st shot is all it took. It looked good. A BULLET . It's what every archer looks for.
  5. Now for the sad part. We shot bow through chronograph and my bow as shooting a IBO speed of 223 fps. That I do not like. I want faster. URGH, URGH, URGH. When my bow came out on market, they advertised 300 fps. They don't tell you the only way to achieve that is to shoot arrows without fletching or with bare strings. No nok. No silencers. Nothing.
So now I have a few more options to get the IBO speed up. I am going to in future, near future I hope, change out arrows. Then one's I'm shooting are heavy. 360 grains. That's 12 grains per inch. I want to purchase some new ones around 260 grains, that will put me down around 8.6 grains per inch. These guys were a great set of guys. Helped me out a lot. Best of all didn't charge me a arm & lef for labor, parts and most important....knowledge was free.


Well just got in from shooting my bow in this freezing weather. I replaced the Puff Ball Silencers with Beaver Balls and could not tell difference. Still getting a twang sound. So I decided to crank my bow down two complete turns, which I believe is between 4-6 pounds. Shot 6 more arrows through it and WOW. That made a difference. So now my bow is set somewhere between 57-59 pounds on draw weight. I will know for certain when I get it to bow shop. So guys/gals make sure you are shooting the right arrow for your draw weight.

When I get into the archery shop I will have them check out my IBO speed. I probably will have them crank it back up to original weight and check the IBO, so I can see how much I lost. If its not a lot, I plan on leaving it alone, if its to much I will crank it back up and invest into different arrows.

I would rather have a bow that shoots smooth and quiet than fast and loud.


After shooting this bow for alittle while, I can almost call myself a amateur. Almost. I have equipped my bow with a Tru-Glo 4 pin site (pins are set for 20, 30, 40, 50 yards), Trophy Ridge drop-away arrow rest, a String Suppressor Stopper and Puff String Silencers. I am shooting Carbon Terminator 4560 arrows, with 100 grain tips.

My bow is set at 29" draw length with a 63 pound draw weight.

After getting bow sighted in, I need to work on sound. I am getting a twang sound, from the string I think. First I am going to remove the puff balls and put on some Beaver Balls onto my strings and see if that helps. After doing some research on the Puff Balls I have on there now, they are no good when they get wet. The Beaver Balls are suppose to be good in all kinds of weather.

With my bow weight being set at 63#, and my arrows are for draw weights 45-60#. Different size of arrows are designed to absorb the kinetic energy bow. Since my arrows are little on small side, I think the energy is traveling through the bow. So instead of purchasing new arrows, I will crank my bow down around 60#.

If these two things don't help, I will make trip to archery shop and ask them to check out bow. If you have any suggestions, please leave comment below.



Well same routine as day before, except weather conditions and I went into woods about 2:00 pm. Wind is out of north/northwest about 8 mph and 20 degrees. BRRR.

I sit and waited for the slight movement of deer. Nothing. I know they are there, I think they know I am there also, from the grunting and sweating of me trying to climb the tree with a climbing tree stand. I have seen the tracks and signs. Fresh layer of snow covered the ground. There are new tracks on ground and droppings that still that are fresh. I sit till dark and make my way back down the tree and back home.

There is only few weeks left of this season left in missouri, January 15 being the end of bow season. I will go home and try to figure out how to out smart the deer.


I spent some time checking out this land and looking for signs of deer. The green diamonds represent what I found.

I went out on my first day of deer hunting on a friends property on December 28, 2009. I gathered everything up that I thought I would need to bag me a deer. I am completely decked out in Real Tree HD Camouflage from head down.(Except for my muck rubber boots) The topography image is of the land that I am currently hunting. Its a older satellite image. There is much more trees now.

First thing I do is get out of bed at 4:00 am and take a shower with a special soap and shampoo that is to help eliminate human scent. I then take my hunting closes out of a trash bag that I have washed with no detergent and sprayed with spray for eliminating human scent. It was tucked away from things in a backpack in back of a closet.

After getting dress I check Weather.com for teperature and wind direction for the day. 24 degrees and 15-20 mph winds out of the south/southeast.

I arrive to deer stand about 5:15 am and sit there till 9:00 am.....Nothing. I see no deer and hear no deer. Packed it in and called it a day.