It has been a while since last blog and I want to apologize to everyone that has emailed me asking questions and leaving comments. My computer has been down and I have just got it back recently, so with that being said, lets get back to what's important, bows.
After weeks of shooting, I have decided to replace my strings. Something is messing up my accuracy in shooting and I am still getting the twang from my string. After talking to Hoyt, I have decided the four year old string is the problem. So I put a order in for a new set of strings, buss cable and control cable, orange ones at that.
In the last couple weeks and made few changes to my bow. The string supresser rod was long so I shortened it. The rubber stopper on the end of it was shaped like a V. If you was shooting and the string did not hit dead center of the stop, I believe it was causing my arrow to leave my bow at a angle so i cut it off flush.
I replace my cable guide with a new one. I was noticing a grove on the carbon cable guide rod. The guide was worn out. It no longer fit snug. I remove the cables from the guide and slid the guide onto the rod and it wobbled to the bottom of the shaft. That is a no no.
After looking at many, many bows and reading articles about vibration in bows I came up with an idea. I cut out pieces of foam and lined the holes in my riser with them.( The ones in the pic are orange and couple are brown. They fit loose. Completed project fit snug and held in place by double sided tape. I went with all orange) Don't know if made lot of difference yet, not been able to get out and shoot since I installed them.
Well guys got plenty more to tell you but just wanted to give short run down of whats going on in last month.